Saturday, October 3, 2009

Entry 6: Pre-Operative Program

This is the last time I see the professionals prior to my surgery date which is October 16, not the 13th as I was originally told (or perhaps I wrote it down in error). I arrived at the hospital at 10:30 am, and was directed all day to the different departments for interviews. First, I saw the anesthesiologist, and was informed that I am a good candidate for an epidural anesthesia, so I would not have to have a general which tends to be more difficult upon recovery. They will give me a powerful sedative so I will not be awake during the surgery but I will not require a throat tube for breathing (yeah). Next stop was the lab where they took 6 vials of blood and did and
ECG of my heart. Everything looks good so far. At the Xray department they placed a measuring device beside my knee, and took what they called 3-foot xrays. These xrays with the measuring device are to help the doctor pick the correct size knee for me. The knee of choice is a Sigma, of which they assured me they have a huge inventory of all sizes and I will be fitted appropriately. I then saw a medical doctor who asked all those questions regarding my health and background. Again everything is still a go. Finally, I saw a nurse who explained all the procedures for recovery and she told me I would be on surgery floor for 4-5 days with the epidural being removed on the 3rd day. Then I will go to the F.I.T. floor for up to 7 days for rehabilitation. The 30 stairs to my bedroom concerned her and suggested I stay on the main floor of my townhouse for a while before attempting the big climb. We'll see... She gave me some medicated soap with which I have to shower for the 5 days prior to the surgery. Very specific instructions were included with the soap. Oh, and no shaving of the legs from now on (no problem there!!). A blood thinner will be prescribed and this helps reduce the chance of blood clots. And that was about it. So, as far as I know, I'm off to surgery at 6:15 a.m. on the 16th.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christine
    I just want to wish you luck. I had my TKR two weeks ago. I'm rockin, 105 flex, 0 ext, staples come out in two days. I also live in a townhouse and have been walking the steps with no problem. You'll do great! I will blog you on the other side.
