Tuesday, November 24, 2009

5 weeks post surgery

Hi, everyone,
I am now on my own as my mom had to return home on Sunday. Just my dog, Jasper and I and the place seems to be missing something (Mom's morning coffee for one!). Today, I had my first hydro-therapy session at Physio. One hour of continuous water exercises, and the therapist seems pleased with my progress. Lots of walking, squats, straight leg swimming, and it seemed to be less painful than doing these things on land. I went home, had lunch and even though the PT recommended I don't have a nap, I couldn't stay awake. So I snoozed for an hour and then took Jasper for a nice long walk along the lakefront. The knees are still swollen and get stiff after walking, I still have difficulty standing or sitting for any length of time, but I am improving a little every day. The Physio therapist says that I am quite advanced even for a single knee patient, so I really can't complain. I still have a ways to go to get to 'normal'. I see the surgeon on the 30th so I'll update again afterwards.

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